Friday, December 12, 2014


What have we been studying in class this year? economics
Which subjects appeal to me? English, history, gym
What are people writing about? police brutality
What's most interesting to me? whats most interesting to me is history because i like learning about past events.
Can I find information about that? yes you can find info about it on google.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

critical analysis questions
1. Should the NFL and other sports league immeidality penalize players accused of domestic violence? Yes they should because its not fair to keep an NFL player who does things like this and still gets privledges to play in the league.
2.Should laws that protect children be enforced even if they violate the privacy and rights of the abusers? Yes because privacy rights shouldnt matter if kids are in danger and being abused, especially the fact they cant fight back, if they keep following privacy laws than no justice for children will be done. stricter legislation neccessary to protect children from sexual abuse in schools?  Yes because in the end it is benefiting the children and protecting them.
4. is adherence to traditional male/female roles the main cause  of dating violence? Yes this is the main cause of dating violence because the male always wants to be dominant in the relationship.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. Should abortion continue to be legal as stipulated by Roe v. Wade? Why or why not? Yes because people should have that right if they really don't want the child if it becomes illegal than more chaos will surface.
  2. What are the medical implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act? It might be dangerous for people to do it.
  3. Are there any situations in which abortions should be declared illegal or be severely restricted? Yes should be restricted to people who just want to get rid of babies and not have a good reasoning.
  4. Which side in the debate has been more successful in making their case on the issue of abortion and why? The debate for abortion to be illegal is more successful because a baby isn't something to just be taken away when wanting to its a gift to life brought by God.
  5. Based upon your understanding of the core beliefs and principles of the major camps in this discussion, is compromise possible? Why or why not?  Yes because based on the circumstances of the womans situation, she should have a choice if she is ready to bring a child into this world, and the woman should not get abortions for the wrong reasons.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Pros of animal cruelty
1. There is food for people to eat and no one can starve.
2. Make up products and hair products are ok for people to use there are no bad things that come with it.

1. animals should not be beaten.
2. It is wrong because they don't have a say and they are innocent
3. It is a negative

1. The baby will not have to suffer.
2.Not ready for a kid and doesn't want to give it a bad life.

1. It is a sad expierence
2. No baby deserves to die.

There are no pros

1.  You should not be judged for who you are

Domestic violence
There are no pros to this

1. No one deserves to be hurt in any way by anyone else.

Gay marriage
1. Everyone deserves equal rights
2. Should not be discriminated by anyone for who they are.
3. Everyone deserves happiness.