Wednesday, December 10, 2014

critical analysis questions
1. Should the NFL and other sports league immeidality penalize players accused of domestic violence? Yes they should because its not fair to keep an NFL player who does things like this and still gets privledges to play in the league.
2.Should laws that protect children be enforced even if they violate the privacy and rights of the abusers? Yes because privacy rights shouldnt matter if kids are in danger and being abused, especially the fact they cant fight back, if they keep following privacy laws than no justice for children will be done. stricter legislation neccessary to protect children from sexual abuse in schools?  Yes because in the end it is benefiting the children and protecting them.
4. is adherence to traditional male/female roles the main cause  of dating violence? Yes this is the main cause of dating violence because the male always wants to be dominant in the relationship.

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