Monday, November 24, 2014

Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.

1)  Animal Abuse- This is an interest to me because I love animals and I want to research more about it and I want to try to stop the issue from spreading any further. It is not fair what is happening to animals that have no say, maybe there is a way to stop it.

2) Abortion- Abortion is an interesting topic to me because there is many debate about it and also a very sensitive topic towards a permanent decision that is very hard to make. I want to research why people wind up doing that and the reasons that justify getting rid of their own child.

3)discrimination- this topic interests me because it is not fair that certain people get discriminated for who they are for example gender, race, the type of person they are. This has been a big deal in our country for a long time, and it is sickening that people are getting discriminated at work and working more for example Mexicans work for less pay than other races for who they are.

4)Domestic Violence-this is interesting because I know many people I know go through this and don't do anything about it. and it is a scary situation to be in especially when your partner is very violent.

5) Gay marriage- This is interesting because I have many gay friends and this right should be prohibited to everyone being gay isn't  effecting anyone else. Gay marriage has been a disrepencey for a long time. many people had faught for it and now it is succeded.

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