Saturday, November 22, 2014

 5 things that tick me off...
1) Not having my room clean because I have ocd and I feel better when everything is organized.
2)Staying at school till 6oclock because im exhausted and wanna go home and sleep and get ready for the next day.
3) arguing with my bestfriend or ones who are close to me because it makes me sad not having them in my life and no argument is worth losing them.
4)When I get tons of homework because it makes me overwhelmed not having enough time to do everything.
5) seeing people be judged or bullied for who they are because everyone should be accepted and treated with love and respect.

1) This can be an interesting research paper because I can write how I been dealing with my Ocd and how I can have control over this situation ticking me off.
2)This can be an interesting research paper because I can write how to avoid staying at school till 6 and I can make the best of it by reminding myself I need to be there to graduate on time and receive my credits.
3)This can be an interesting research paper because I can write about how these struggles made me stronger and how to notice my weaknesses and how to fix them. This also taught me what to do in the future if this happens.
4)this is interesting because I can learn how to make time for everything and how to organize my time better, I can also write how to turn my stress into something positive when in these situations
5) I can write about how I can influence people to be more nicer and try to change the way people treat others by talking to them.

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